Sunday, May 18, 2008

That's Ms. GN to you!

Having just graduated today from my year long accelerated nursing program, I have a new found feeling of freedom. I am free to harm my patients in various ways... not that I would ever do this on purpose, but I have been "let loose" so to speak, on a wonderful population. I have a job on a psychiatric stabilization unit in a medium sized area hospital. It's all very exciting. In the coming weeks I will be studying for my RN licensure exam, getting myself mentally ready for working with the mentally ill, and trying to improve my professional wardrobe. Being a GN (Graduate Nurse) is like being in limbo. While I know that I have months of orientation coming my way, I feel as if I am expected to jump out onto the floor and know what to do. The thought of taking actions that may threaten the license I don't even have yet is terrifying and ridiculous all at the same time.
School might be over, but my learning has only just begun.

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